Our Story

“My entire life I have been driven to create. As a young child, it was drawing, coloring, and painting. As I moved into my school age years, it was sewing clothes for my dolls then sewing gifts for others and eventually clothing and home items. As a middle schooler, I painted and practiced hospitality, first for my dolls, then for my classmates. As a teenager, I became enamored with the photography in National Geographic and became a photographer. In college, I continued with photography and also became a sculptor. As a Mom, I wrote and painted botanical watercolor illustrations.

I officially started my business, Kat McCall Papers, February 2018 at the age of 56. It was a second career for me and has been one of the hardest and most challenging but also the most rewarding things I have ever done. I have no degree in business or marketing, or formal art training but I have always dreamed of building a business based on art.

My “3 legged” foundational stool of things I think are essential to us as humans are relationships, art, and the natural world. I believe we all need to encourage these 3 things to help us be more human. And that is what I want my art/business/life focus to be on---encouraging myself and others to make time for enduring relationships, exposure to the natural world, and art in any format. These things do not have to be an “extra” thing we add to our day but rather a deepening of the areas in which we already engage. I want to serve and inspire others with tools and ideas of how to do this. SO it is a continual building and honing of how we can best do this for others and how to encourage ourselves and others.”